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True Friends Quotes - depressing-quotes

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You are not defined by the opinions of others. You are defined by who you choose to become.

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Your worth is not determined by how others treat you. It's determined by how you treat yourself.

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Sometimes, the people who feel the most unwanted are the ones who are the most needed.

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You are valuable and deserving of love, even on the days when you feel otherwise.

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Don't let someone else's inability to see your worth affect your sense of self.

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Your presence in this world matters. You have a unique purpose waiting to be discovered.

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You are not alone in feeling this way, and there are people who care about you deeply.

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The world can be a better place with your unique contributions and talents.

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You are the author of your own story. Don't let anyone else hold the pen.

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You are wanted and needed in this world, and your journey is worth it.

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