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Slow help is no help

#life quotes
 rate  479 point         Autor unknown   sender eldari
Rate it  1 2 3 4 5 

The best counselors are the dead

#funny quotes
 rate  910 point         Autor unknown   sender unknown
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A dog that barks much is never a good hunter.

 rate  790 point         Autor unknown   sender susan
Rate it  1 2 3 4 5 

Persuasion is better than force.

#life quotes
 rate  564 point         Autor unknown   sender ord
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If you can't get people to listen to you any other way, tell them it's confidential.

 rate  807 point         Autor unknown   sender ord
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Silent men like still waters, are deep and dangerous.

 rate  692 point         Autor unknown   sender ord
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God helps them that help themselves.

 rate  688 point         Autor unknown   sender unknown
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Choose your wife as you wish your children to be

 rate  860 point         Autor unknown   sender ord
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Never tell your story to a deaf man.

 rate  757 point         Autor unknown   sender eldari
Rate it  1 2 3 4 5 

Young people talk of what they are doing; old people of what they have done; and fools of what they have a mind to do.

 rate  690 point         Autor unknown   sender unknown
Rate it  1 2 3 4 5 

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