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End A Friendship Quotes

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Leaving behind a friendship that no longer serves your growth is a sign of personal growth itself. - Unknown

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Sometimes, a lost friendship is the universe's way of making space for new and better connections. - Unknown

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When a friendship no longer adds value to your life, it's okay to let it go and make room for new blessings. - Unknown

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Ending a friendship is not an act of cruelty; it's an act of self-preservation. - Unknown

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It's not about who you've known the longest; it's about who came and never left your side. - Unknown

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Endings are often disguised as new beginnings. - Unknown

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Leaving behind a friendship is like taking off an old coat. It may feel strange at first, but eventually, you'll feel lighter and more free. - Unknown

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When a friendship ends, it doesn't mean you failed; it means you had the courage to let go. - Unknown

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Sometimes, to protect your own peace, you have to say goodbye to those who bring chaos into your life. - Unknown

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Don't cling to a friendship that's already slipped through your fingers. - Unknown

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