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True Friends Quotes

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You are stronger than you think, braver than you believe, and smarter than you know. You got this!

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When you doubt yourself, remember all the times you've overcome and conquered. You got this!

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The road may be tough, but your determination is tougher. You got this!

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Feel free to ask if you need more quotes or have any other requests!

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Life is a precious gift, and every breath is a reminder that you have a purpose to fulfill.

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Life is precious; cherish every moment, and don't let the little things steal your happiness.

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In the grand tapestry of existence, every life is a unique thread, contributing to the beauty of the whole.

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Life is a collection of moments, both big and small, and every one of them is worth celebrating.

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Life is a series of moments; treasure them, for they are the building blocks of a precious existence.

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Sometimes, ending a friendship is the necessary choice to protect your peace and well-being.

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