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Less perfection, more authenticity.

#life quotes
 rate  132 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Love without limits.

#life quotes
 rate  135 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Live in the moment.

#life quotes
 rate  138 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Dream big, work hard.

#life quotes
 rate  144 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Keep it simple.

#life quotes
 rate  148 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Kindness matters.

#life quotes
 rate  142 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Be the change.

#life quotes
 rate  148 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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You are enough.

#life quotes
 rate  144 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Embrace the journey.

#life quotes
 rate  138 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
Rate it  1 2 3 4 5 

Choose joy.

#life quotes
 rate  129 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
Rate it  1 2 3 4 5 

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