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Find your purpose.

#life quotes
 rate  106 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Stay curious.

#life quotes
 rate  120 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Stay humble.

#life quotes
 rate  120 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.

#life quotes
 rate  115 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Hope is a waking dream. — Aristotle

#life quotes
 rate  125 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Create your sunshine.

#life quotes
 rate  108 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Live, laugh, love.

#life quotes
 rate  109 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Believe in miracles.

#life quotes
 rate  129 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.

#life quotes
 rate  99 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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Let it go.

#life quotes
 rate  122 point         Autor short quotes short quotes   sender 
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