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It is easier to criticize than to do better.

#life quotes
 rate  1426 point         Autor unknown   sender unknown
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The honey is sweet but the bee has a sting.

#life quotes
 rate  938 point         Autor  Ben Franklin   sender unknown
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Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty

#life quotes
 rate  1022 point         Autor John Philpot Curran   sender unknown
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Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away

#life quotes
 rate  1254 point         Autor unknown   sender unknown
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It is easier to believe than to go and ask.

#life quotes
 rate  870 point         Autor unknown   sender unknown
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You cannot be lost on a road that is straight.

#life quotes
 rate  438 point         Autor unknown   sender unknown
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When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry

#life quotes
 rate  674 point         Autor Jewish Sayings   sender unknown
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No answer is also an answer

#life quotes
 rate  651 point         Autor Greman Proverbs    sender unknown
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Roses fall, but the thorns remain

#life quotes
 rate  677 point         Autor Dutch Proverbs    sender unknown
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Promises make debt, and debt makes promises.

#life quotes
 rate  709 point         Autor Dutch Proverbs    sender unknown
Rate it  1 2 3 4 5 

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