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True Friends Quotes - life-quotes

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Success is not in what you have, but who you are. — Bo Bennett

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The cookie jar theory is this: When you're at a low point in life and you're feeling weak, reach into that cookie jar of life experiences, pull out a memory where you overcame an obstacle, and remind yourself that you're a badass and you can get through anything.

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Friendship isn't a big thing; it's a million little things.

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In the galaxy of relationships, true friends are the brightest stars.

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True friends are like stars; you don't always see them, but you know they're always there.

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The greatest gift of life is the presence of a true friend.

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A true friend is the one who fills your life with warmth when it's cold and empty.

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Friends are the companions who make the journey of life sweeter and more meaningful.

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True friends are the ones who share your joy, soothe your pain, and remind you of your strength.

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Friendship is the comfort that comes from knowing that even when you feel all alone, you aren't. - Unknown

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