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True Friends Quotes - life-quotes

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Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. — Steve Jobs

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Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they're in hot water. - Eleanor Roosevelt

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In the book of memories, moments with true friends are the highlighted pages.

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The road may be tough, but your determination is tougher. You got this!

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Believe in yourself so strongly that the world can’t help but believe in you too.

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Grief is the price we pay for love. - Queen Elizabeth II

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Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I am possible!

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The world needs strong women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved. Women who live bravely, both tender and fierce. — Amy Tenney

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There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish. Empower the women around you.

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I don't know what to do with my hands.

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