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True Friends Quotes - life-quotes

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Sometimes, the person who smiles the most is the one struggling the most.

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 rate  95 point         Autor feeling lonely quotes   sender 
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Loneliness is a silent scream for someone to notice.

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 rate  88 point         Autor feeling lonely quotes   sender 
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Actions speak louder than words.

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 rate  150 point         Autor English Proverbs   sender 
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A friend in need is a friend indeed.

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 rate  138 point         Autor English Proverbs   sender 
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The only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

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 rate  123 point         Autor David Goggins Quotes   sender 
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The path to greatness is paved with moments of discomfort and relentless pursuit of your goals.

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 rate  146 point         Autor David Goggins Quotes   sender 
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Empowered women empower women. Let's lift each other as we climb.

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 rate  154 point         Autor Empowering Female Quotes   sender 
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She believed she could, so she did. Women's resilience knows no bounds.

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 rate  115 point         Autor Empowering Female Quotes   sender 
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Believe in your capabilities; 'You Got This' isn't just a phrase, it's a mindset.

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 rate  118 point         Autor You Got This Quotes   sender 
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When the going gets tough, remind yourself: 'You Got This.' Your strength is greater than any challenge.

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 rate  129 point         Autor You Got This Quotes   sender 
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